Sunday, October 31, 2010

Slow News Day

I'm afraid I've really very little to report today - I woke up just after 9 and it was officially miserable outside, lashing rain and dark and cold and you know the best thing about weather like this, you just make a cup of tea and get straight back into your bed with your book and not an iota of guilt, perfect! Couldn't have been better timed in light of the number of hang overs that must have been lingering around Ballymaloe this morning.

And honestly other than that, I've done nothing - laundry, filing, blog catching upping and eating left overs, lovely! We'd planned to do a long walk but the weather did away with that idea.

Back to the kitchens tomorrow and I'm moving again, into the Demo kitchen this week which is quite fun I'm told by those that have already done their week there - only 6 of us and so it's much quieter and less hectic, I'm making Dingle Pie, poached plums and the seafood platter tomorrow so I'm heading for an early night to ensure proper concentration for oyster opening sans palm stabbing, wish me luck!

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