Mmmmm, slightly sore head again this morning, it's becoming a bit of a Saturday thing that I've decided is best not examined too closely - anyway, moving on, I got properly layered up (it's freezing at the moment) and headed off to Midleton with a few of the girls.
The morning didn't kick off that well when the world's cutest mini wouldn't start, we tried the whole jump start thing but all we managed to do was push it to the end of the driveway, not so good, thankfully the man who delivers apples to the school drove past us then and stopped to help along with Philip, one of Darina's son-in-laws who also works at the school - we might still be pushing it the 8 miles to Midleton otherwise......I'm never keen to admit to being a useless girl but I'm afraid in this particular sphere (and by that I mean car maintenance) we were officially useless and/or hung over and wouldn't have got anywhere near Tescos without some help!
We stopped at the Farmer's Market and got a few things there and then did the Tescos thing - I'm afraid I succumbed to seasonal marketing and got some fairy lights for our cottage, I love fairy lights and listen, they're playing Christmas carols and Santa keeps showing his face and what have you, in the first week of November, it's too much but if you can't beat 'em, you may as well join 'em instead and they look so pretty, see - we've no tree yet (even I can admit that it's a trifle too early for that) but they've cheered up the window sill no end.
A few of us had been asked to help at a function on Saturday evening so headed into school at 17h00 and everything looked really pretty - 130 guests for Rory's 50th birthday party, fab food, all very rustic Italian, and good, good fun, we left just after midnight armed with many bottles of wine that we'd been given, lovely (and much better than the €6 plonk to which we've regretfully become accustomed).
The down side of working the function meant that I missed the SA vs Ireland rugby game which The Blackbird were showing especially, however your man (avid rugby supporter, possessor of vast reams of rugby trivia and data and source of all rugby knowledge for Deb) had concerns and I thought maybe being the the sole SA supporter in a seriously Irish pub mightn't be such fun if we lost but got home to find we'd won by 2 points, YAY for the Springboks!!
Well I am indebted apparently to 'your' man' for many years to come.... When booking my flight i was not aware, although a huge supporter, of the time of the scheduled SA Ireland rugby match. Landing in the middle of the match and expecting a pick up from the airport did not come with much excitement or enthusiasm, not as much as i would expect arriving home from the land of Zim. Poor man, being the son-in-law had to succumb and fetch his dear sister-in-law. The new airport, about 45minutes away from home could potentially mean missing most of the game, however i landed early, and even in the rain it took us only 20 minutes to get home !!! And managed to catch the second half of the game (thank goodness, phew)!!!! Yay, redeemed myself a bit at least, would have been very unpopular if the local carrier had been late, as they so frequently are in Africa.
ReplyDeleteAnyway have to say your little Yaris, with its' roof racks, is now probably the second cutest little car in the world....